Shuimu BioSciences

Shuimu Technology

We've developed unique tookits to excel in cryo-EM structure determination.

Empowering Discoveries: Shuimu's Advanced Cryo-EM Infrastructure

GraFuture™ GO from Shuimu Biosciences

Unlocking the Potential of Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Welcome to Shuimu, the leading Asia-Pacific commercial cryo-EM drug discovery platform. Positioned at the vanguard of innovation, we proudly showcase 8 of the latest 300kV cryo-EMs, establishing ourselves as one of the largest high-end cryo-EM platforms worldwide.
GraFuture™ RGO from Shuimu Biosciences

Your Gateway to Cutting-Edge Research

Whether you hail from the pharma/biotech industry or the academic sector, Shuimu's formidable cryo-EM platform beckons. We are your premier choice for high-quality structure determination and structure-based drug discovery projects.

Strategic Partnerships for Unrivaled Excellence

In our relentless pursuit of excellence, we forge strategic alliances with industry titans such as Thermo Fisher Scientific and NVIDIA. These partnerships provide us with state-of-the-art microscopes and a robust computing platform, ensuring the highest quality and throughput for our services.
Titan Krios G3i

Titan Krios G3i

BioQuantum GIF
K3 camera
Cs corrector
Volta phase plate
X-FEG electron beam
Titan Krios G4

Titan Krios G4

Falcon 4 camera direct electron detector
Volta phase plate
X-FEG electron beam
E-CFEG, the new cold field emission gun
Selectris & Selectris X imaging filters
TFS Talos

TFS Talos

20-120kV thermionic (scanning) transmission electron microscope used for sample screening, high contrast TEM and STEM imaging of beam-sensitive materials

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See Unseeable.
Drug Undruggable.

Founded in 2017, Shuimu BioSciences aims to bring the power of cryo-EM to innovative therapeutics developers.


1 Broadway 5th floor, Cambridge, MA 02142, United States+1 (650) 680 9383

Copyright © 2024 Shuimu Biosciences Ltd.